About Us

EnhancedExchange is redefining global food trade with a commitment to quality, sustainability, and nutrition in every product we deliver.

EnhancedExchange is creating a culture that embraces identifying quality issues around foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries aquaculture, and advised, which is supervised by scientists. Logically, with a clear process when establishing quality standards for a product or service that over-delivers on customer expectation. We are dedicated to orchestrating food production, agriculture, science, and supply lines for a wide array of “designer” high quality. High-value foods, agriculture safety, security, and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries aquaculture, and science in demand by diverse, discerning markets around the world. EnhancedExchange develops and distributes designer food products™ with unique criteria and ingredients that can take on board the most varied customer constraints. We offer complete and purpose-designed concepts, with our premium designer food products™ plus the expanding demand for our organic designer food products™.

We offer our customers much more than just a catalog of our designer food products™. Inevitably, we support our customers in identifying their needs and defining the most relevant and most efficient solutions. Especially, as we can help them redefine their foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture, science and services ranges, their overall organization, and how they are in use.

Company Profile

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EnhancedExchange is a seasoned vertically integrated agribusiness company with a sizeable advisory unit of foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture scientists. Equally, to deliver confidence as we focus on the production and supply of the full spectrum of superior quality foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture.

EnhancedExchange is conscious of the history of foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries aquaculture, and science. Indeed, this can be summed up in the phrase “hand to mouth” in those, agriculture, science, production, and delivery, which has mostly been an ad hoc matter. EnhancedExchange, anticipation of the future, is to move from the impromptu supply of foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries aquaculture, and science. Additionally, for systematic, integrated, proactive supplies of unique designer food products™ designed for discerning markets. Namely, any analysis of the past must conclude that the future holds challenges for the world in terms of foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries aquaculture, and science supplies.

Who we are & What we do

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EnhancedExchange is a global company in the hierarchy of companies, which afford diversification thought science and technology with trusted products and solutions. Into the all-important foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture industries. To help create safe and abundant foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture. The company headquarter is in France, with offices in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and the USA, with a distinct advantage of being a lean, streamlined company. In addition, we have built trading relations globally and maintain a stable marketing network, which is supported by our talented frontline experts.

Their career diversity of professional experience is integrated with a solid background of foods, agriculture safety, security, and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture and resources, as well as in economic cooperation and foreign trade. Additionally, EnhancedExchange provides customers with comprehensive solutions. Essentially, our core business covers the production, import, and export of foods, agriculture and production, animal plant and nutrition, fisheries aquaculture, and science. Plus, advisory, and technical cooperation. EnhancedExchange is strongly supported by the solid strength and high-tech background of our talented frontline experts, which includes several in academia, joint-equity partners, and institutions.

Comprehensively, with a system in place capable of satisfying customers’ various requirements is integral to our efficiencies. Inherently, in accordance with corporate policies, EnhancedExchange has devoted, consistent efforts throughout the past to expand the scope of our cooperation with an improved composition of a commodity for exportation. Consequently, we have established trading relations with many partners and maintained a stable worldwide marketing network and has consistently upgraded our capacity to extend the scope of our international operation. We provide our partners with integrated solutions incorporating fund-raising and financing, design, procurement, and turnkey operations. Furthermore, synergy results are from functioning through contractual agreements where management and marketing operations coalesce with international resources.

In this manner, we are providing for an organizational culture that is continually seeking ways to improve brand reputation through our beneficial high-quality designer food products™ and services. The operations and safety practices evolve to cope successfully with the risks inherent in the ambitious pursuit of implementation and refinement of a strategic planning process. Explicitly, solving market inefficiencies by acting as a distributor over geopolitical boundaries, it is connecting a diverse array of producers and services to traditionally unreachable buyers thereby, defining its niche by developing systems that promote growth along our entire supply chain. This management policy continues the process of establishing business efficiency through vertical integration and control of supply to enhance sales for our existing designer food products™ and services. EnhancedExchange generally orchestrates foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture production.

Notably, with supply lines for a wide array of foods, agriculture and production, animal plant and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture in demand by diverse, discerning markets around the world. Consequently, the distinctive characteristic of EnhancedExchange in comparison to other foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture companies. Indeed, we design beneficial, consistently high quality, high-value designer food products™ in demand by each unique market we serve.

Corporate Philosophy

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The philosophy of EnhancedExchange is governed by the company’s perspective on foods, agriculture safety, security, and production, animal plant health, and nutrition, fisheries aquaculture, and science. The company is conscious of the history of foods, agriculture safety, security, and production, animal plant health, and nutrition, fisheries aquaculture, and science. That can be summed up in the phrase “hand to mouth” in those, agriculture, science, production, and delivery, which has mostly been an ad hoc matter. EnhancedExchange, anticipation of the future, is to move from impromptu foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture and supply to systematic, integrated, proactive supplies of unique designer food products™ designed for discerning markets.

Namely, any analysis of the past must conclude that the future holds challenges for the world in terms of foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, aquaculture, and supplies. Historical trends highlight the expectations of challenges that are to accelerate. These trends are long term with a root basis in global climate variability, the burgeoning population of the world, the decline of arable land available for food production. Maturation of enabling technologies (industrial, green, and genomics revolutions) and the emergence of thriving economies in the third world while the first world decays. Though, these trends, depending on perspective, offer either opportunity or portending crisis in terms of food security, food quality security, and food safety. EnhancedExchange is viewing these trends as an opportunity to act in the present to prevent them from culminating in crises.

Goals & Objectives

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Our customer goal is to exceed the expectations of every client by offering outstanding customer service, increased flexibility, and greater value, thereby optimizing system functionality and improving operations efficiency. The diverse cultural and structural distribution capabilities coupled with professional industry experience with combined product resources and service design are integral within our policies to offer quality designer food products™ and services as well as reliability to the customers. The distribution team provides for the unique requirements of existing and new food products. We work vertically with various product manufacturers and producers’ segments for exclusive distribution with a different local presence for customary beneficial and appropriate delivery, with added marketing niche characteristics. EnhancedExchange also has a select portfolio of long-term industry and client professionals for significant goodwill value relations. Our respective territory associates express their contributions by their functional and technical expertise combined with their hands-on experience add to company capabilities, thereby ensuring that our clients receive the most effective and professional designer food products™ and service updating in real time.

We have the design goal of delivering to discerning markets our distinctive designer food products™ and their ingredients that are to exceed the desires of these markets and to accomplish this goal, therefore, defining EnhancedExchange objectives:

  • Describe each market’s desires in terms of our explicit designer food products™ specifications that are highly descriptive and verifiable through product examination.
  • Evaluate our customer response as to the initially supplied designer food products™ resulting from performing analysis of customer surveys.
  • These analyses provide the platform for the formulation of increasingly precise sets of specifications of product quality and consistency that are in use to provide target markets with our designer food products™ designed consistently to exceed expectations.
  • Intrude into the production process of food products through contractual agreements to influence the process toward our refining the designer food products™ thereby ensuring consistent quality to these discerning markets.
  • These sequential objectives are re-occurring in a feedback loop for each of the designer food products™; so that the company maintains a customer-based quality control system that ensures that product quality at any given time conforms on target to consumers than that provided by competitors. Therefore, the product quality and mix in the future has even greater assurances for consistency to provide customers with outstanding experiences.

Business Model

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Our business model ensures an extraordinary degree of efficiency due to our management policies and adequate cost controls. Quality personnel and materials produce superior designer food products™ distribution for our clients. Operating costs are subject to optimization efficiency, not short-circuit inefficiency. We add proper overhead controls to ensure a dynamic and profitable organization. Additionally, the management focus is on implementation and assuming leadership to accelerate corporate growth, as well as profitability. On an operational level, EnhancedExchange stresses open communication among all aspects of our organization and with our clients, which promotes camaraderie, optimal utilization of our assets, and prompts delivery of products and services.

Proportionately, the reliable global management team has decades of experience in international business development and technical skill with the intellectual property (IP), rights, which allow us to meet and exceed the designer food products™ distribution expectations of our clients. by providing our quality designer food products™, as well as reliable services in a responsive, safe, and cost-effective manner.

Similarly, EnhancedExchange accomplishes its goal of delivering our distinctive, high quality, high-value designer food products™ with their ingredients for discerning markets. This quality level and parallel success are accomplished through developing contracts (and ultimately alliances), with select companies having proven records for reliably supplying these products on a global scale. The companies selected are those that have proven abilities to supply quality products and have the desire to form alliances to improve and expand. Indeed, with a view to the future, these companies provide the vehicles required for us to gain footholds in the production/delivery streams of our designer food products™, and then to progressively dominate these streams through the implementation of its business model. Our quality control attainment is through rigorous attention to market desires and accurate translation of these desires into product specifications. The products undergo thorough inspections to assure that they meet (or exceed) these expectations.

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In order to meet current market orders, we necessarily initially provide our designer food products™ by this method, but progressively increases control of food, and agriculture production/delivery stream by increasingly intruding in the production process. This intrusion occurs via contracting the foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture according to our feedback loop. In the production/delivery process for our high quality, high value, and safe designer food products™. In conjunction with contracts early in the process, EnhancedExchange assures quality and safety control through the implementation of its hazard and quality analysis of critical control points (HACCP and QACCP, respectively), policies.

These policies achieve an increase in the stringency over time, providing the company progressive controls over the production/delivery process, which results in a stream of our designer food products™ that increasingly delivers to its customers consistently. Through this process, a survey of each market is undertaken as to foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture quality characteristics deemed necessary.

Enhancing the Positive Forces that Provide Powerful & Well-balanced Alternatives


These surveys are analyzed as to the uniformity of the market in terms of the satisfaction achieved to determine significant fractionation patterns in the market. Primarily, with the quality characteristics that are conducive to satisfying one’s eating experiences, which are also provided within our designer food product™ specifications, with a full description of desired outcomes. These descriptions are available for use to delineate the critical control points and define the essential threshold activities necessary at the crucial aspects of control to assure that our designer food products™ consistently exceed market desires. EnhancedExchange considers all characteristics deemed relevant by each discrete market to be of penultimate importance and configures each production system to ensure consistent delivery of foods characterized by these characteristics.

Generally, the most fundamental aspect of any foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture in any market, is safety. EnhancedExchange guarantees through control of each production/delivery system that, primarily, all fresh, frozen, organic, dried, dehydrated, jarred, and canned designer food products™ delivered to all our markets are safe to consume. Ideally, as this process proceeds into execution, we establish unique products imminently desired by a targeted discerning market. These products are then “branded,” and pricing occurs in a manner consistent with market demand. The branding of these distinctive, high quality, high-value products provides the company with the visibility and reputation required to gain customer loyalty. We consider our customers a part of the production/delivery team, thereby increasing customer loyalty through their inclusion in the process for which the customer is an integral component of this team.

Meticulously, this perspective looks at foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture security. Through vulnerability adds to the calls for operational excellence, which offers paths to new governance. For improving risk management in general as the population increases geometrically, and food rises arithmetically. In particular, risks related to secured, safe food import dependencies that decrease to ensure food is accessible and not closely linked to systemic risks. Food security is another such as changes in global markets, and how well governments respond to shocks such as global food price volatility due to widespread harvest failure. Materially, disaster presents risks to the whole food system, from production through distribution and consumption. However, climate impacts should not divert attention from fundamental food security and development objectives plus achievement.

Instead, mainstreaming risk management into food systems can help address underlying vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and risks from other sources. By seizing the imperative to adapt, the challenge of disasters can be an opportunity to reform and strengthen food systems and increase food security, as well as human security, stability, and longer-term sustainable development. Oddly enough, the challenges in national food systems and strategies mix of specific micronutrient deficiencies challenges, which aggregate national statistics that vary between and within countries as food, and agriculture insecurity. Chiefly, they are crucial for making foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture systems more resilient, less insecure. Insecurity challenges resiliency focus allows for sustainable growth, supporting better systems, and better able to meet changing needs in an uncertain future.

Transitional Sustainability at Scale

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We break down sustainability into environmental, social, and governance with measurements plus the resulting outcome of managing these issues. The safety and health of workers, the human capital, which is part of the social dimension of sustainability, and the aftermath of a workplace catastrophe that may result in the loss of a valued co-worker. We prioritized resilience-building proactive strategies with some powerful tools for achieving secure, safe, quality designer food products™ conditions that seek to sustain disproportionate impact and increased resource stresses while recognizing the comprehensive economic factors. Therefore, we take the complex challenges of climate change seriously considering sustainable development and plan for it with more options for fewer serious risks that we face as climate change directly threatens socio-economic development outcomes.

Climate change is already modifying the frequency and intensity of many weather-related hazards, as well as steadily increasing vulnerability and eroding the resilience of the exposed populations that depend on arable land, access to water, and stable mean temperatures and rainfall. However, human ingenuity can overcome these problems with our research in science, technology, policy, and management; we will better understand climate systems to ensure that we can grow our economy while preserving the planet. The precise effect of climate change is not guaranteed, due to the changes in the geographic distribution of weather-related hazards, we do see trends that define the difference. Trends are those that can alter the frequency and intensity of events, affecting a variety of vulnerable locations to hazards and changing exposure patterns.

Disaster risks are subject to the diverse effects of the magnitude of climate change and can increase the hazard itself while at the same time decreasing the resilience of communities. Therefore, EnhancedExchange focus is on the interferences and resilience of communities in areas susceptible to natural environmental changes with adaptation to climate change in mind. We are, as a result, continually strengthening risk mitigation while shifting from an emphasis on disaster management to engaging in secure cross-border mobility arrangements. Our vigilance, patience, and determination provide for management insight of the shape of a potent mix of market, technology, and policy forces as sustainability needs that will drive future disruptive innovations in addition to the challenges the world faces. EnhancedExchange is also in the process of developing more than one supply line for each of our designer food products™ of importance.

To targeted markets to ensure foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture security for these markets in the future. Indeed, this is important for future security as a guard against uncontrollable, unpredictable, capricious events that may disrupt a production/delivery stream. In the case that a specific production/delivery system disruption occurs, unless an alternative system is in place, product delivery disruption is inevitable. Tangibly, EnhancedExchange cannot afford that the supply of any of its branded products is the subject of interruption, even for short periods. An essential aspect of EnhancedExchange is that, through the process of execution of our business plan, the company also attains a platform for consulting with its suppliers and its customers. To deliver technical information to them that not only improves the process but is also a source of income for the company through the provision of specialized consulting services.

Incremental, Multi-Stage Growth Plans


EnhancedExchange has ambitious goals that are not immediately achievable. In order for the company, ultimately, to succeed in the attainment of its goals and objectives, it initially formulated a tight focus. Through its success in that targeted aspect of its purpose, it builds on this early success to expand into the broader arenas of our fresh and frozen designer food products™ production and delivery. EnhancedExchange has a structured roadmap providing the guiding principles for the company expansion in terms of commodities supplied, the supply lines for these commodities, and the markets served. In terms of the commodities provided, the guiding principles are:

  • We have begun with our fresh frozen, organic, dried, dehydrated, jarred, and canned designer food products™ as being more fundamental to nourishment than beverages. Therefore, EnhancedExchange establishes its reputation and stakes its future on the successful and dependable supply of distinctive, high quality, high-value food products ingredients to discerning markets. Delivery of unique, high quality, high-value beverages will follow.
  • In terms of what we do within foods, agriculture and production, animal plant and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture industries. EnhancedExchange began with the primary staple for life as throughout history and continuing today, which are products from cereal crops (e.g., bread, meals, and flours). In the West, historically, the principal cereal in all societies is “corn” or “maize.” Ancient civilizations such as Egypt called wheat, “corn.” Another example is for eastern cultures such as China; the staple was rice in areas where most of the people live but was wheat in western China (their staple food is noodles). Because cereal crops undercut the history and culture of all civilizations of the world, EnhancedExchange began operations by delivering cereal grains. Because of its pervasive use in many cultures for bread and noodle production, the inaugural cereal chosen was hard red winter wheat. In close succession are the other cereals (mainly rice, but also corn, oats, rye, barley, spelt, and Khorasan).
  • Upon successfully establishing supply lines for cereal grains (initially wheat, rice, oats, rye, barley, spelt, Khorasan, and corn), the company has its focus on the “center of the plate.” That part of the plate is where the most expensive, highest nutritional value foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture, reside, the meats. Meat, especially red meat, is the most highly sought after, and most revered food in the world. Red meat has the highest concentration of nutrients of any food and is an essential component of religious worship in all Western and Middle Eastern religions. Consummation of a few commercial contracts in the West and the Middle East is outside a context of a human social event centering on red meat. Even though the Far East has a lesser tradition as meat-eaters, they, too, are like many all over the globe; if people can afford it, they will eat meat (especially red meat).
  • Even as the company faces the pragmatic issue that it physically could not initially provide for all global markets, therefore, is undertaking to force select foods, sequentially to establish prowess in selected food groups. EnhancedExchange remains committed to its mission of consistently delivering the vast array of “designer,” high quality, high-value designer food products™ to a wide variety of markets.
  • Upon the establishment of its market study’s reputation for success and dependably delivering large quantities of designer staple fresh and frozen designer food products™ (e.g., cereal grains, especially hard red winter wheat and rice), while providing distinctive, high quality, high-value meats (e.g., beef, lamb, mutton, chicken, shrimp), then a market focus addition can occur. This market shift is into the other (smaller quantity), foods, agriculture and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture items. Essentially, to become the company’s priority while maintaining the staple fresh and frozen designer food products™. Rigorously, with high-value meats, and beverages (e.g., dairy products, honey, fruits-polyphenols, and vegetables, as well as their juices). In terms of supply lines for commodities delivered, these principles are:
    A single supply line establishment for each commodity is in place before alternatives establishments commence.
  • Upon successful establishment of primary supply lines, other parallel supply lines for each merchandise are developed. Some product shipments are through each supply line to each market to establish these parallel functioning lines and ensure each one is viable.
    The alternative supply lines may be considered to be redundant; multiple supply lines are preferred to single supply lines to provide alternative supply routes in case that unexpected problems occur, disrupting supply through the primary path.

Essentially, EnhancedExchange is an ambitious company having begun with a tight focus on the supply of distinctive foods, agriculture and production, animal plant and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture. To targeted discerning markets, it is in the process of rapid expansion becoming a fresh and frozen food, agriculture and production, animal plant and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture supply company for many markets in the world.

Commerce Exchange & Resilience


Trade-in foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture is an integral component of global commerce and are one of the most widely traded commodity sectors. EnhancedExchange designer food products™ brand and manufacturing of private label products provide our customers with quality nutritious foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture products. Our personnel with strong optimism across the foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture products sectors. Accurately, we deliver the products for which we rely on open trade flows and supply chains to meet the increasing needs of our customers around the world. Therefore, EnhancedExchange recognizes that the number of biotechnology crops being developed and cultivated worldwide is increasing annually. Despite our frontline talented experts’ decades in the safe use of these products. Administrative procedures in many jurisdictions generate time gaps for our approval, given our leading, skilled experts ‘ decades of safe use for these goods. Importantly, this leads to a higher risk of trade disturbances arising from the presence of low-level crops approved in rising but not yet approved in importing countries.

Meanwhile, low-level presence occurs, costly disruptions result when a small amount of biotechnology. This plant in one or more countries has been certified as healthy in compliance with international standards. Interestingly, it is shipped accidentally to a country where the commodity has not been approved yet. Consequently, this can lead to unnecessary trade disruptions in both the exporting and importing countries, which can impact foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture security, prices, and attitudes towards innovation. Substantially, the extent of additional asynchronous product approvals globally is increasing. Rigorously, it requires further actions in addressing trade disruption risk and avoiding its adverse effects on importing and exporting countries alike and promote global foods, agriculture and production, animal plant and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture security. We are working in collaboration, and with other stakeholders jointly and with additional partners to support regulatory approaches that are at risk and science-based, predictable, consistent, and transparent. Principally, as innovations in foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture sector contribute to improved productivity.

Fostering Sustainable Development


Comprehensively defining the work and review process remains integral and flexible for an opportunity, which is applicable to describe the function and scope of EnhancedExchange. In this regard, the (1) international food products trade center is one of four components of the larger operation. The other three components of EnhancedExchange are (2) production center, (3) integrated agricultural systems, and (4) advanced technology center. The company has the goal with special emphasis on providing distinctive, high quality, high value fresh, frozen, organic, dried, dehydrated, jarred and canned designer food products™ to discerning markets around the world with each component of the company contributing important aspects to this goal. The four components of EnhancedExchange have complementary roles in accomplishing the company’s mission. The ultimate goal is to provide secure fresh, frozen, organic, dried, dehydrated, jarred and canned designer food products™ produced through delivery chains designed to, not only supply these high-quality products but to provide secure (possibly redundant) delivery chains.

In this manner for development, we can thereby provide for guaranteeing a future supply of products in the face of the (100) one hundred, plus a year of major natural disasters that are disruptive by definition, along with the ubiquitous additional layer of volatile world order. (2) Production center: EnhancedExchange controls the entire production process, delivering distinctive, high quality fresh, frozen, organic, dried, dehydrated, jarred and canned designer food products™. As in the case of the international designer food products™ trade center, these fresh, frozen, organic, dried, dehydrated, jarred and canned designer food products™ are designed to exceed our expectations of discerning markets. Although the production center expectation is to provide all the high quality, high value fresh, frozen, organic, dried, dehydrated, jarred and canned designer food products™ required to balance the supply to these markets in concert with the other components of EnhancedExchange. The components of EnhancedExchange provide the necessary platform for complete control of fresh, frozen, organic, dried, dehydrated, jarred and canned designer food products™ production and delivery of distinctive, high quality, high-value products designed for discerning markets. In order to accomplish this mission, the company must control the fresh, frozen, organic, dried, dehydrated, jarred and canned designer food products™ production/delivery chains as far as is possible within system constraints.

Although the production center achieves this control to the greatest degree possible, known capacities define that the production center, because of physical limitations, cannot deliver adequate quantities of the array of fresh, frozen, organic, dried, dehydrated, jarred and canned designer food products™ required by these discerning markets. Therefore, it is necessary for EnhancedExchange to develop integrated agricultural systems. The (3) integrated agricultural systems are designed to provide the vehicle for replicating the production center in other parts of the world to assure that control of the fresh, frozen, organic, dried, dehydrated, jarred and canned designer food products™ production/delivery system is secured providing increased volume required to satisfy these markets. (4) Advanced technology center: EnhancedExchange realizes that, even though the production center and its replicates as constructed from the integrated agricultural production center provides state-of-the-science, designer food products™ at the present; they will be required to produce these fresh, frozen, organic, dried, dehydrated, jarred and canned designer food products™ in greater quantities, with greater efficiency in the future. This requires the development of proprietary technologies that will allow the company to produce distinctive, high quality, high-value designer food products™ at any time in the future.

The integrated agricultural systems will also produce a valuable intellectual property that will increase in value as the world’s population reaches the count of (9.5) nine and a half, billion people expectation in the year 2050. Deductively our growth and the basis for demand is sufficiently accurate with the accompanying increase in global fresh, frozen, organic, dried, dehydrated, jarred and canned designer food product requirements. The technologies developed by the integrated agricultural systems will be engaged in the feedback quality control loop; thereby increasing the precision and accuracy of our ability to progressively improve the quality and value of the product as perceived by our customers over time. We are also involved in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and the USA. The Founders provide the vision and guidance that have sustained EnhancedExchange to grow, as well as mature into a dynamic, professional, and profitable distribution organization. In so doing, jobs and prosperity for our employees over the past continue today, while protecting the people, our environment and resources, now includes a distribution source shift into, fresh, frozen, organic, dried, dehydrated, jarred and canned designer food products™ for the next generation of young professionals for the next several decades.

Our Commitment


Selecting to do business with EnhancedExchange is entering a territory and scope of service synergy that is open to all possibilities. Our research and development (R&D), department is particularly efficient; therefore, new products and services allow us to offer our customers much more than just a catalog of designer food products™. We support our customers in identifying their needs and defining the most relevant and most efficient solutions as we can help them redefine their designer food products™ and services ranges, their overall organization, and how they are in use. We develop and produce personalized designer food products™ with unique criteria and ingredients that can take on board the most varied customer constraints. Comprehensively, we can offer complete and purpose-designed concepts, with our premium designer food products™ plus the expanding demand for organic designer food products™.

Generally, production and quality control departments are continually optimizing packaging; thus, we can significantly reduce storage volume, cardboard consumption, and the impact of transport and reduce waste in the stores for which the delivery of our designer food products™ occurs. Distribution of EnhancedExchange products, offers a highly qualified, proven team with a combined experience of several decades in international trade, offering our customers a full spectrum selection of related designer food products™, therefore a guarantee of excellent results. In order to meet the individual needs of clients, we are in communication with a wide range of support professionals with diverse qualifications. We possess operations experience in a distribution center at the facility level. Our combined associates are well versed in all aspects of multiple location management, from budgeting to productivity to establishing and maintaining bilateral cooperation. We pride ourselves on our proven record of accomplishment for effectively administering various implementations.

Proportionately, this is due to effectively directing team members in the development of contract supply and distribution modifications to ensure that all business requirements occur within budget restraints and time schedules within the guidelines of the authorities. In addition, EnhancedExchange has experience with large distribution centers, having been responsible for the successful implementation of the necessary combined resources a resulting insight provides for more streamline activities. We are continually expanding upon our knowledge and services to assist clients with successfully implementing product sales systems in multiple distribution centers throughout various territory locations. We offer, provide, and deliver to all our customers the continuation of the history of our capabilities, secure transactions, convenience, speed, and efficiency. Thereby, ongoing requests for an opportunity to deliver, maintain the culture of the company to demonstrate our competence and all the rules we use in our group endeavors and business processes.

Building an Evolutionary Culture Around Quality


EnhancedExchange guarantees fresh, frozen, organic, dried, dehydrated, jarred, and canned designer food products™ of the highest quality. Principally, because it continuously searches the world for elite designer food products™, then delivers items by the quickest method possible to consumers anywhere in the world.

Our designer food products™ and services are deliverable with (100%) one hundred percent quality assurance. Meanwhile, EnhancedExchange wants each customer to see, feel, and experience our dedication so that one remains our loyal customers by their own free will and desire. The distinctive characteristic of EnhancedExchange in comparison to other foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture and companies. Indeed, we design consistently high quality, high-value designer food products™ in demand by each unique market we serve. 

This accomplishment of design is by involvement in critical control points governing food and agriculture by-products, animal, and plant health, as well as nutrition, production, safety, security, fisheries and aquaculture quality, consistency, safety, and value in the production and throughout the delivery process. Generally, EnhancedExchange is without peer because no other foods, agriculture safety, security and production, animal plant health and nutrition, fisheries, and aquaculture company, alter production/delivery processes to design foods to fit the market demands.